

Registered in Croatian Court Register - Commercial Court in Pazin

Legal form: Limited liability company, LLC

Register number (MBS): 130061219
OIB (Identification Number): 18427147692

VAT-ID (PDV-ID): HR18427147692

Sorting of bussiness entity (NKD): 92.7911 - Djelatnost putničkih agencija

Full Firm name: M. POLO društvo s ograničenom odgovornošću za usluge i turistička agencija
Shorten Firm name: M. POLO d.o.o.

Residence: Brajdine 41, 52203 Medulin, Croatia

Share capital: 20.000,00 Kuna - Payed in full amount

Founders: Marko Šekerija, Boris Šekerija

Authorized representatives: Marko Šekerija, Boris Šekerija

Acting type: Tourist agency acting as travel organizer and/or intercessor agent
Identification Number (ID-Kod): HR-AB-52-130061219
Verification class (KLASA): UP/I-372-05/16-01/550
Verification number (URBROJ): 2163-03-02/1-16-6

Office address: Brajdine 41, 52203 Medulin, Croatia

Office Manager:
Boris Šekerija - full authorization and access

Competent authority: Ministarstvo turizma - Samostalni sektor turističke inspekcije, Trg Republike Hrvatske 8/I, 10000 Zagreb